Garden Forever

Weeding Tips

Any plant that grows where you don't want it can be considered a weed. Besides taking up valuable space in your garden, weeds compete with other plants for nutrients, water and light. If you have trouble moving around the garden, bending or pulling, you will still have to deal with the problem of weeds. If you can't do it all yourself, get some help. Also help yourself by making the job as easy as possible. Underwater weeds can get in the way as well. Your line can get caught. Using the proper fishing lures for catfish can save you time.

  • Pull up weeds before they go to seed and self-spread around the garden.
  • Try to get the whole weed including the root
  • Younger weeds are easier to pull because they haven't established a strong root system
  • Wet the ground with a drip irrigation hose before weeding and your job will be easier - Better still, water after it has rained
  • For tap roots like dandelions pull straight up with a little pressure on either side of the stem using a tool with small V-shaped end. If you have a lot of dandelions look for a long handled tool that will help safe your back
  • For weeds with shallow invasive root systems, try scraping below the surface of the soil to drag out as much of the root system as possible. Wear safety goggles and sneakers if you are scraping with a sharp tool to avoid an accident
  • For weeds growing between cracks in pavement, decks, under your gas bbq, etc., try pouring boiling water over them to kill them. If this doesn't get them all use a weeding blade, a thin blade with 90 degree bend and sharp edge for cutting between stones, bricks, etc. These are also available with long handles if you have a lot of paving stones to clean out
  • Use a hoe or 3-pronged cultivator a couple of times a week between rows in the vegetable bed for removing young weeds as they spring up
  • While weeding, keep your garden free of safety hazards by picking up rocks, putting tools away in their proper places, and maintaining walkways.
  • Mulch between plants to help prevent weeds from establishing. It can be useful to place mulch under garden furniture such as picnic tables in order to avoid weeds that entice bees or scratch unsuspecting ankles.
  • Try to relax about the weeds. A few weeds won't destroy your garden. If you overplant with hanging bushy perennials, weeds will not be as apparent. It's amazing what you can live with if you don't know it's there.
  • Move obstacles out of your way before mowing or weeding. A large garden cart or wheelbarrow can be useful in moving furniture, birdbaths, and debris out of your way.

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